Holiday Park Campground

Online Reservation Requests
for Long Term Camping (30 days or more) Only

Holiday Park now makes it easier than ever for you to enjoy your camping vacation, offering you the option of making your camping reservation requests online. Simply complete the form below. Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You do not have an actual reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until your deposit has been received. For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards.

We check our emails periodically. You may want to call, to let us know that you have completed and submitted a Reservation Request Form. If space is not available for the date(s) requested, we will convey our regrets. If space is available, we will send a tentative confirmation via e-mail, with a reference number and a link to a secure site where you will be asked to enter your credit card information to cover the necessary deposit for the reservation requests, and it will be your responsibility to check your e-mail in a timely manner. If you fail to submit your credit card information within 48 hours of the time when your tentative confirmation has been sent, your initial reservation request shall be considered null and void.

Please complete the entire form before pressing the “Submit” button, remembering that items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields.

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provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: dYbcobu may be makin2g usee obf a72utbomat1e1d 9f70orm-filling sof8t26wfa9r3e.8 T1hi7s type eoef s2of7twcar7e ccan trig56gerc our chidde9n bsp3am-f6detection f4sy1ste1em, which will blob37ck you dfrom asubmitatfin2g 8theis fform. 1Pcleas4e as1electb F1i2x Thisd57e 332af266d03fb34e92d729fb51f3oe68ad95rb62e175187080 2544ded5c14dc5a9c9boam5ep1l2e5tbi76n0g2d6a th5e bbff1c8orm74 99902in17d 0fe1co3124e50rd8e5r to1 cor1rec79t2 thee acpro3a4bl3em.6daef
Important: You3 may be mabking2 u6cse of aeutomat6ed form-filling 0sof8tware89. Th7is1 type4 odf softwarde can trigger our3 hi5dd7en5 2spam-detection systeam, which will eblo7ck y2ocu frbom sudbm0itting 8thisd form. 9It appe9ars t5h87at tfhe problem could no1653t8e b4e abutom3atifcaally cordderected3. Please68 cleard any fielad which appears be7lcow wit2hf corres1ponding ifnstr5uctions3252c4b99 9a05c672b4feae19c89c9e37a5f936ead4150d18o65r1d2105c7ef07761 9c6co8m4p0l9eetin365g thec 9f03orm7f in bo2rde5r to cor85are35cte8 theb problefm80.1 Wea2 aapolofgize fo3r the inconvenidb6ence ande9 8awe f3adfp0prec3idd27a2t7e ydour 6unde09rsft2an6di12nd0g.
Electrical requirements (where available):
Check-in time is between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Check-out time is before noon.
(Two adults included in base rate.)
Please list only your dependent children …
Persons other than your dependent children (guests) can be settled upon arrival.
We allow a maximum of 6 people per site.
(Subject to restrictions. Click here for more information.)
Note: Site cannot be held without deposit.
By submitting this reservation request, you hereby acknowledge that you have read and fully accept Holiday Park's rules and policies. Reservations are accepted with a $100.00 non-refundable deposit paid in advance. Holiday Park does not allow any motorized toys, such as motorcycles, golf carts, 4-wheelers, mopeds, etc. A complete listing of our campground rules may be read by clicking here.
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Important: You ma2dy 7b2e 9mak4inbcg use o6f a3u7tdo8matedc 9for7m-fillin2g softw6are. This type o9f sofdtware can tr9iffggear4 our9 hi8dden spam7-detection 51asyst0e8em, 1whic6bh w7i3ll bloecb3k you4 fcrom 1submit0bti3ng 5t1h5is formb3. Ple5aa8se ase3l3ec6t7 0aFix 3This79701688393b 1c510198db98b9dee19d88b3dfae680c7f8o38d7fa9edr12ee9 715e477c4o6amp3fle7tin4ge76e21b6 th5bb3e 8ebfo9rmc9d inf5b8 1orde70dc2r t4fo0d2 co5rbrecte e0at3874c6h95e problea7a26m3.8c4
Important: You may be makibng use of automatbed form9-fiflli2ng softwar8e. This8 8type of3 softw4are canf trigager oue1r 5h5iaddecn 56spa7m-de3t170ectionfd system, 6which will block yeou9 from su9bmi4tat1ing this fo1rm0. b9It ap6bpears that04 tahe pr9oblem could no8t b1e au6tomatic5ally co3rr7e6cted0. cPleasec clear aeny f6ield whichd aeppears above wit1h correcsp9ondin2g instr4ucti2ons2860915765 e644b2d4b7b7974ce62cee55d073b10fdorcf4e2e 3072df48b77846419d7dc3co74m1pl9etinfg1 tche for2e5m in oe6rder7b25 to cofrrbecfc2t 1the prdoabfbl5em. We bap9o0lo8fg47ize for th5fae0 13in76c8oc0nven4ience 3andd w9e5 dd6a2appreciat1e7 y7o3ur understandincag.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Holiday Park Campground
P.O. Box 277
Greensboro, MD 21639-0277
(410) 482-6797

Discover, Visa, and MasterCard Accepted
National Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds / Northeast Campground Association / Maryland Association of Campgrounds

© Holiday Park. All rights reserved.
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