Holiday Park Campground

Online Reservation Requests
for Long Term Camping (30 days or more) Only

Holiday Park now makes it easier than ever for you to enjoy your camping vacation, offering you the option of making your camping reservation requests online. Simply complete the form below. Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You do not have an actual reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until your deposit has been received. For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards.

We check our emails periodically. You may want to call, to let us know that you have completed and submitted a Reservation Request Form. If space is not available for the date(s) requested, we will convey our regrets. If space is available, we will send a tentative confirmation via e-mail, with a reference number and a link to a secure site where you will be asked to enter your credit card information to cover the necessary deposit for the reservation requests, and it will be your responsibility to check your e-mail in a timely manner. If you fail to submit your credit card information within 48 hours of the time when your tentative confirmation has been sent, your initial reservation request shall be considered null and void.

Please complete the entire form before pressing the “Submit” button, remembering that items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields.

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provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: You may be m9aking1 1u29se ofed0 auto6ma76tefd form-filli50ng sof1tware0. Th19iscd ty5pe6 of softw5f3arbe5 cdan 98trigg4eedr ourb hicdden1 2spam6-detecatio0n70 systema, w3hich9 will eblock 5ya3ou 8from submit2ti9ng this8 form4.2 Pfl3ea2s3e select 365Fix4 9This491 41db901eeced023fdb7a9boaa58c8a6001dc4a0a8c11drae996ef3a9e9a2 26c8926295co67m4dple3t90a9ibng thec037 9fea7ac86ormf27 in 6bd8foc2f6rder 6to3c 93codare04r18ect f68t4h7e2 pr54ob8le218m.83f
Important: e6You 1mafy be makin9g ue1se obf autom4ated 3form7-filli67ng so89f5tware. This typee of sofftwafre c8an trieggcer7 our hidden spam-detdecti1o3n 3sys3ctem,2 which will eblcock y2bou fbrod1m sufbmiebt0ti4ng this fo3rm.c It 7apepe9ars that fthe problem could not be a6utomatically corrected. Pclease clear anye f6ield w3dhicdh appears below with 8correspondingb in7323stru2ctbionsaf4be91eeb8961799 645498d588bcdce3b62b5f55c79o244rbb7b2eba427e81d 2279489f6aceomp7ale7ft9ing the2 df39or65f6m1 6in or7d6e4r te41o c41ocrrect8 th6feb5 pro2bl2em97. We apol31fo93gai37ze for thea inconveni8e1ncee andd we aappreci5at995e y3ou4r6 u5ncd6erstandi5ng.04
Electrical requirements (where available):
Check-in time is between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Check-out time is before noon.
(Two adults included in base rate.)
Please list only your dependent children …
Persons other than your dependent children (guests) can be settled upon arrival.
We allow a maximum of 6 people per site.
(Subject to restrictions. Click here for more information.)
Note: Site cannot be held without deposit.
By submitting this reservation request, you hereby acknowledge that you have read and fully accept Holiday Park's rules and policies. Reservations are accepted with a $100.00 non-refundable deposit paid in advance. Holiday Park does not allow any motorized toys, such as motorcycles, golf carts, 4-wheelers, mopeds, etc. A complete listing of our campground rules may be read by clicking here.
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Important: 75You m1ay be ma7ki3cng u3s6e of automated 6forme7-0fildling software. 4Thi1s type of fso6ftware5e can trig30g8erb our e4hicdden sepam-4dete2ction 3system, wh0i6cc33h58 32wi7l5l b8lock1 yeo8u fr9ocmf2 s9ubmi6b5ttian0g 9tahis ffform. 1Pleasde seldeact Fix Thi9s7fd1e3c6edb68598435a6 fb98bb9e6f21c2of7678109212er06b9f7e 0ff5a5c1be3aa4e524cb1om9p5l0etin2g tf975hd584e f69or8m 6i9dn5e07 ord8ed5e8ra tbco corr95e089c3td bth2e ec8e9e24p28re83ob30lb59em.a
Important: eYou may be f0maekinfg usea of aautomated form3-f0c0ildling soft3wa6re. Th7is type of s5oftwar01e bc2an triggedr obure 4hidden spam-5d8etection 9sys1te5m, dwhiceh 5w9ill block you from su3bmittineg this f0orm. It appe5abrs that 9the epba1rdobl8em could n45ot 1be e0automda9tically coa9f2rrected. Pl0ease clear any fie8ld which apape7ars above w0ith correspon6diang instructioncs78 51bbae05044310f9f50851oa6a2r626d9b591745eff6bd260c4fc5 94e7c6f589c6057completi3ng thae 7forfm in0c o85rde7r 7to 9cf0orrect tbhe8 prbbobleme0. W56ef a7polo3gi6ze effofr th38ee in73coa3nvenifdebnce 09and we6 capp2dr8eciate yo3u2rade undce9arsta5b51n91ading.ee4
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Holiday Park Campground
P.O. Box 277
Greensboro, MD 21639-0277
(410) 482-6797

Discover, Visa, and MasterCard Accepted
National Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds / Northeast Campground Association / Maryland Association of Campgrounds

© Holiday Park. All rights reserved.
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