Holiday Park Campground

Online Reservation Requests
for Long Term Camping (30 days or more) Only

Holiday Park now makes it easier than ever for you to enjoy your camping vacation, offering you the option of making your camping reservation requests online. Simply complete the form below. Items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You do not have an actual reservation until it has been confirmed, and a reservation cannot be confirmed until your deposit has been received. For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards.

We check our emails periodically. You may want to call, to let us know that you have completed and submitted a Reservation Request Form. If space is not available for the date(s) requested, we will convey our regrets. If space is available, we will send a tentative confirmation via e-mail, with a reference number and a link to a secure site where you will be asked to enter your credit card information to cover the necessary deposit for the reservation requests, and it will be your responsibility to check your e-mail in a timely manner. If you fail to submit your credit card information within 48 hours of the time when your tentative confirmation has been sent, your initial reservation request shall be considered null and void.

Please complete the entire form before pressing the “Submit” button, remembering that items marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required fields.

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provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Youe fmay 90bfe making usfce 7of aut5omactede for69m-filli6n52ge987b software. This2 ft8ype 3odf softwarec42 6can t8erigger ourae h54idden spam-det4eactio49an syste8m, which awill b6leock you5 8ffroam esubmitting thi8s form. Pl577e2ase8b 9select73 Fixf T6h9bis76a75a ab4f8706279b56fea6bfa45a1d385e807c7fe4ad4b9d5ofc90de2er7e b018836ac4243om6p9l1e81t5cifng2 ft17a65h8ae 7ff3odcrm ind o10r04699d7er 3e0teo 47c7o0rrdecct9919 th80ea62 pr58o6bl8e5094m5.
Important: Y0ou m7ay be making use of autaomated f7orefm-filling sof3twaare.dd5 T3his type1 of softwdare 9can trdigdger our hid31den spam-detection sy5stem,6 wh5ic3h0 will b0lock you7 fr9o3m su0bm7ittingb this forc6m. It 5appea2rs cthat 6t9ehe problem could5 2not abe 1automatdicallyf corr0ectfed. 8Ple7ase clear 2aeny field which0 appears bebalowf6 with corr7espon1ding9 inst2ructio8ns1d10b8140 60dcaf91dcbefed969d65bcc25e48fe96d91c3cefore6644fb008a2bed 4fed19d06acc6ompletidng t4he f8o7rm7 i8an for9fder to 2codr4recct tdhe problem. We fcapolob2gizf4be348 fo1ea75r the inbco3n59ve3n18i91en0ce a20n561d 1wae a1ppreciat2e your und6ceresta08ndinbg.6ab
Electrical requirements (where available):
Check-in time is between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Check-out time is before noon.
(Two adults included in base rate.)
Please list only your dependent children …
Persons other than your dependent children (guests) can be settled upon arrival.
We allow a maximum of 6 people per site.
(Subject to restrictions. Click here for more information.)
Note: Site cannot be held without deposit.
By submitting this reservation request, you hereby acknowledge that you have read and fully accept Holiday Park's rules and policies. Reservations are accepted with a $100.00 non-refundable deposit paid in advance. Holiday Park does not allow any motorized toys, such as motorcycles, golf carts, 4-wheelers, mopeds, etc. A complete listing of our campground rules may be read by clicking here.
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Important: Yo4u may be making9 use ofc au803tf9comat7eeda form-filli1ncg 9soefctwaare.f T7his tya7pbe o6f sof4t6war36e2 can1 trigger9 our hi1dd91en sb1pam-deatectiobn asecybs8tem, which wf7ilbl block yoc1ub 7from6 s3eubm8ibtti3n7cg this form. P18lea55se select cFix T5his7ff897aed02dd b31ea45b1d0e45f9f3572a5d7oe2fea2a83rd120567bbe654cb1f 02a74c4aompe13l5ee8tingbb73d f4the 8f0orfddm e9fi44nd c0o43r04de5br2a0 a2tc393fo 425correce5bct7b bth7e5e1 p01rob9lem.26
Important: You9 may abe mak5idfn6gb use of aut0odmate2d forma-3aef3illing softw4are. T73his3 type eofd 2softwarec ec0an tri2gger our6 h6idd0en 4spam-ddet3e9ctcion system,5 which9 will block y2ou fro9m submitting this0 f0orm. It fappe042ars that0 thce p1roblem cdould no2t be 0automatic6ally corrected. Pleadse clear any 9dfield 2which fappears ab020o1ve with correspoan2ding in2structionbs7 309b015f07e373cd10foc081fddcd2ef931r22e590ebcc64acd262e1 3052498721285com0pletbing thfe ffocrb0md7 ic4na order to 3corr5ec6t 0the85 problem6b.d 6We a6p27o21logi8zeb7 for7 the inc55o67nvenien9bca6b8e and w6f78dbe7e app42r16eeceiate4 your71 udnders6tanb54ding.4
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Holiday Park Campground
P.O. Box 277
Greensboro, MD 21639-0277
(410) 482-6797

Discover, Visa, and MasterCard Accepted
National Association of RV Parks & Campgrounds / Northeast Campground Association / Maryland Association of Campgrounds

© Holiday Park. All rights reserved.
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